Thursday 16 August 2012

Finished product

My final pdf can be accessed here:

Final Process

 To create my final images, I first scanned my pencil drawing into photoshop and positioned it in place over the base photo
 Using the pen tool I then traced over the pencil drawing to create clean line art
 I then made a duplicate of the line art to fill in with colour on a different layer without making the line art look unsmooth after using the fill tool
 I went in over the colour with the pen tool again to create masked areas to then fill in to shade my character
Turning back on the photo layer and touching up the character.

Final Character sketches

Here are the sketches that I will scan into photoshop to use for my panels.

Photo edits

As the 5 images are repeated three times, one for each age gap, something needed to change between the three ages. Because I am trying to portray progressive monotony and disappointment, the young photos will be in full colour, the middle aged ones will start to lose saturation and the final 5 representing old will be black and white to show how dull the character's life has become

Second shoot

After deciding on what photos will suit my assignment most from the first shoot, I reshot some new ones in order to be used in the final storyboard.
Currently cannot decide for the bathroom shot between the shower or the entire scene of the shower. But these are definitely the photos to be used

First shoot

These are a few images from the first photo shoot I took. I have no intentions of using these in the final, just to get an idea of how the panels might be laid out. I took photos around my house relating to the different stages of the story. All supposed to be common sights from within the hour of 7:00

Storyboard Panel sketches

Sketching more ideas for the layout and main photos in the actual storyboard, the main 5 images that will be used.

Character design

Making the characters have more realistic proportions in order to suit the realistic photos better.

More sketches

Experimenting with composition and character design


Here are a few sketches and ideas to get a basic view of the character through the various stages of the storyboard.

An idea I have come up with is, due to the amount of panels being 15, 5 photos that are repeated 3 times. The first 5 for when the character is young, the next 5 for being middle aged, and the final 5 being old. Each of the 5 photos represents a different stage of a morning routine. The 5 that came to mind were:
1. Waking up
2. Showering
3. Eating breakfast
4. Transport
5. Work/school

Various aspects will change as the character gets older as have been noted in the table in the picture.

Main Idea

The idea I decided to continue on with is the morning routine.
I would like to represent the idea of a routine to the point where it is almost depressing, i.e doing exactly the same thing every day.
The image I have in my head is of a character doing the same thing every day and progressively getting more and more disappointed with his life.

7:00 AM

For Assignment 1 I have been allocated the time of 7:00 AM.
Here is a quick brainstorm to come up with some basic ideas.

A main idea that stood out to me was the idea of the "morning ritual" or routine that everybody takes after waking up in the morning. 7:00 AM is definitely a time I would associate most with the start of the day.